Wednesday, November 16, 2011

No Place to Hide

Yesterday, I had to take my 15 yr old son in for his follow up appointment to see how his lunges are doing.  He is still fighting pneumonia- he was told he made a little progress.  Anyhow while waiting in the reception area I tried to look all put together. No one knew that it took me two hours to get dressed all they saw was a cute outfit and me put together - so I was hiding in plain sight, or so I thought.  I had just had that horrific night that I explained in my last post, and this morning hadn't changed things.  As I began moving around I realized I still hurt and sitting in the chair at the office and trying not to cry was killing me.  A friend, the receptionist, came out to me after about 20 minutes and quietly said I want you to see the doctor.  I was stunned at first- she said Tammy if it's alright with you - I arranged for you to see the doctor with your son.  I said ok-didn't have the strength to say I am OK~
The doctors were all running behind and sitting there isn't easy - by the time he came in I thought I was going to die - He took my son to another room and came back to speak with me.  I cried and explained what my pain is like.  My fingers hurt so bad that while I am sleeping and need to tug the blankets up over me, It hurts - to lie on my side with my arms bent because it hurts my elbows, to sleep with my hands closed hurts, to lie too long on either side hurts my knees, my feet and knees get so cold and stiff, my head and the pressure points along my neck and shoulder ache and I have to adjust myself throughout the night, all of this keeps me from sleeping. 
I know there are many others feeling the same way- how do you go on and get through the day when you have 4 busy children with homework, activities such as basketball practices and games and piano and not to mention all the time the each need to tell you about their day.  I want to be there for all of it with a clear head and I can tell you my head is foggy most days and when they ask do you remember - I most likely do not remember, I am having a hard time keeping things straight and organized. I am forgetting peoples names and it is making me feel awful and incapable of being responsible and trusted.
I need to know if there are things I could be doing to help myself not decline. 
The doctor told me yesterday that I am not to do anything for a few days and just let my body rest - well I am trying but just lying around hurts as much as moving does.  I do have to agree I am very very tired. I stayed in bed till 1030 which I hate to do - I feel like I have wasted half the day - and now it is almost 1230 and still haven't showered - I honestly don't think I can manage a shower today.  I was also told that I should go away without the family and just relax a mini vacation if you will.  I know that would be very difficult on my family - my husband works two jobs and my children need to be everywhere but most important is my 11 year old son he has seizures and with out me around his anxiety just goes through the roof and it is very hard on him.  So I think I will just take advantage of the day while they are in school and hope that is enough rest for me.
I am still hoping to sign in and see a comment from a new friend.  I am looking forward to talking with you - Here's to hoping for a better tomorrow

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